King of kings, Lord
of lords, who alone has immortality - 1 Timothy 5:15,16
Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible,
to God who also is wise, be honor and glory forever and ever- 1 Ti 1:17
Matthew 10:28 - And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul:
but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
Do you want to know what the devil says about immorality?
If you do not believe the Bible maybe you would
believe the master of this planet for now (Lucifer, the devil, Satan).
Tapes 1&2
below are an interview of a man, Roger J. Morneau, born in 1925, in St Jacques, New Brunswick, in the providence of Quebec.
Raised a devout French Catholic. Dedicated by his mother at the age of three, because of a serious illness he had, to
become a priest. Joined the Canadian Merchant Navy and now found himself 72 hours away from commiting his soul to the
devil, he cried out, "If there is a God help me." God hearing answered him. The tapes are his story.
Trip Into the Supernatural tapes 1 & 2.
Order from:
Hart Research Center
Resources for the Active Church
Summary of tapes:
-The devil accepts Sunday worship as homage, whereas Sabbath-keepers have the protection of God
and are kept from deception and distortion of the truth.
-Belief in any kind of afterlife or immortality of the soul and you are accepted into the religion
of Necromancy.
-Lucifer personally tutored Charles Darwin in the theory of evolution, as a child Darwin had been
hypnotized (I think for medical reasons).
-Teachers of evolution have a coven of evil angels follow them all their life for protection.
-Stay away from Deliverance Ministries as they leave you with zero faith and open to demon