
New Age of Intention
Scared Name Movement
New Age of Intention
Laws from Creation
Fruit of the Spirit

Is it really new or just a rewrite of the old?

A lot of it sounds the same as Biblical information but in different syntax or verbiage.  As far as that goes what difference do the words make - but something seems to be left out. 

What of the role of Christ (Messiah)?

What of Lucifer the deceiver?

What of the second coming of Christ?

What of the end of the world described in Revelation?

What of the final destruction of sin (negative energy) and the devil?

What of the recreation of the New Heaven and the New Earth?

It seems that sin (missing the mark) is more than the loss of silent knowledge or resistance (negative energy).  The system created for this planet is broken and can only be fixed or reconciled through Jesus Christ (Messiah).   

I am the way and the truth and the life - John 14:6 (NASB)

I am the door; if anyone enters through Me, he shall be saved.  Jn 10:9 (NASB)

I am the light of the world; he who follows Me shall not walk in the darkness, but shall have the light of life.  Jn 8:12 (NASB)

It is interesting when science explains what God has done and how things work such as a rainbow - it does not make it any less beautiful to look at or appreciated any less.

I have read Dr. Wayne Dyer's book "The Power of Intention"  -  I enjoyed it and would recommend it.  It explains how the power of Source (God) works in the energy field of intention.  It does not talk about the final consequences of non-choice.  It does tell us how we attract things to us.  We affect our surroundings far more than we may suspect.

I also recommend seeing "What the Bleep do we know?"  It shows us possibilities as to what extent we can affect not only our perception of the world but of those around us.



God, intent, Holy Spirit may dwell in us but we are not GOD.  The created is never the same as the Creator, the student is never same as the teacher.  However, the born again, are of divine sperm, heirs as sons and daughters by adoption through Jesus Christ.

The Almighty Eternal Infinite One is the Source of Eternity and things Eternal - the other choice of source is the power of the deceiver which is temporary and will be eventually destroyed - in not choosing this is the choice that is made.