

Scared Name Movement
New Age of Intention
Laws from Creation
Fruit of the Spirit

"In the universe there is an  immeasurable, indescrible force which shamans call intent, and absolutely everything that exist in the entire cosmos is attached to intent by a connecting link." - Carlos Castanda 

Thoughts are just energy.  Think of all the things that we percieve out of this energy from love to hate.  Every action we take starts as a thought of energy.

God occupies (lives) simutaneously in all parts of time - past, present, future
Albert Einstein's theory of time dilation - when you pass the speed of light you find timelessness, God and eternity
Scientist tell us that the sound waves set in motion by our voices go on an endless journey through space, and that, if we had the power to stand on some planet long years afterward with instruments delicate enough, we might be able to find them again and recreate the words spoken here on earth. 

Conclusions from my searching:
Everything from an atom to the Cosmos; our micorscopic to macroscopic physiology (cells to the body as a whole) are 99.9999% EMPTY SPACE.  This is called the gap, the silence, silent knowledge, Intelligence, Source or GOD and it is EVERYWHERE.  This is where everything bubbles up from the quantum level into what we see in our physical world.  Contemplating this is almost overwhelming.  WOW!
Whatever you see, hear or read look for and follow the thread of truth - throw away all the rest.

T. Lobsang Rampa

This is Eastern philosophy written for the West.  You will have to decided if things work this way or in the way of the following website.

Kingdom of God Reality

At any rate things work because of laws set down at the beginning.

Truth is truth no matter who says it.

The Almighty Eternal Infinite One is the Source of Eternity and things Eternal - the other choice of source is the power of the deceiver which is temporary and will be eventually destroyed - in not choosing this is the choice that is made.