
Laws from Creation

Scared Name Movement
New Age of Intention
Laws from Creation
Fruit of the Spirit

There were laws that were set down at the creation of this planet, universe and all that is - there is an interconnection between everything.  These laws work spiritually, physically and emtionally. 

Reap what you sow - what goes around comes around.  The verbiage doesn't matter - it works.  What you send out is what you are going to get back.
By beholding we become changed - we need to be careful what we spend our time on, what we constantly think of, what holds our heart and passion.  For we will become like it.
Law of abundance - Genesis 1:2 - Let the waters bring forth abundantly; Ge 1:22 - be fruitful and multiply; Ge 1:28 - be fruitful and multiply; Ge 8:17 - breed frutiful and multiply; Ge 9:1 - Be fruitful and multiply; Ge 9:7 - Be fruitful and multiply;  Ge 9:19 - the whole earth was popluated

Things are broke because of what happened in the Garden of Eden - call it loss of silent knowledge, sin (missing the mark) or disconnected/separation.

The Almighty Eternal Infinite One is the Source of Eternity and things Eternal - the other choice of source is the power of the deceiver which is temporary and will be eventually destroyed - in not choosing this is the choice that is made.