He healed the sick -
He healed the woman with 12 yrs. hemorrahaging - Luke
8:43-48; Mark 5:25-34; Matthew 9:20-22
He healed 2 blind men - Matthew 9:27-31; Mt 20:29-34; Mark 10:46-52;
Luke 18:35-43
He healed a dumb man - Matthew 9:32, 33
He healed the paralytic - Matthew 9:2-8; Mark 2:1-13; Luke 5:18-26
He healed the leper - Luke 5:12-15; Matthew 8:2-4; Mark 1:40-45
He healed the Centurion's paralytic servant - Matthew 8:5-10; Luke
Peter's mother-in-law healed of a fever - Matthew 8 :14,15; Mark
1:30, 31; Luke 4:38, 39
Healed all who were ill - Matthew 8:16; Mark 1:34, Luke 4:40
Healing multitudes - Matthew 15: 29-31; Mark 7:31-37
Restores ear Peter cut off - John18:10; Matthew 26:51; Mark 14:47;
Luke 22:50
Healing at Gennesaret - Mark 6:53-56; Matthew 14:34-36
Healing Nobleman's son - John 4:46-54
Healing at Bethesda John 5:2-8
Healing a man born blind - John9:1-12
He raised the dead -
The death and resurrection of Lazarus - John 11:1-44
He raised Jairus' daughter - Luke8:31, 42, 49-56; Mark 5:22, 23,
35-43; Matthew 9:18, 19, 22-26
He cast out demons -
The man with chains that could not bind him, inhabited with a Legion
of demons - Luke 8:26-39; Mark 5:1-17; Matthew 8:28-37
Many who were demon-possessed - Matthew 8:16; Mark 1:34; Luke 4:41
Canaanite woman's daughter demon-possessed - Matthew 15:21-28;
Mark 7:24-30
The Demoniac - Matthew 17:14-21; Mark 9:14-28; Luke 9:37-42
He stilled the sea - Luke 8:22-25; Matthew 8:23-27; Mark 4:36-41
He walked on water and so did Peter when he had his eyes on the
Lord.- Matthew 14:22-33; Mark 6:45-51; John 6:15-21
Fed five thousand - Matthew 14:13-21; Mark 6:33-44; Luke 9:12-17;
John 6:1-14
Fed four thousand - Matthew 15:32-39; Mark 8:1-13;
Others -
His twelve disciples healed - Luke 1-6; Matthew 10:1-15; Mark 6:7-13
Peter & John healed a lame beggar - Acts 3:1-10
Let out of prison - Acts 5:19 - An angel let them out
Philip in Samaria - Acts 8:4-8 - many paralyzed, lame healed; unclesn spirits cast out
Philip preached to the Ethiopian - afterward snatched 20 miles away to another town - Acts 8:39, 40
Paul's handerchiefs or aprons were carried to heal the sick, cast out devils - Acts 19:11, 12
Paul survived shipwreck - Acts 27:14-44
Paul bitten by a poisonous viper & nothing happened - Acts 28:1-10