Jesus Christ Is Looking For You

The Bible
Taught by Holy Spirit
The Cross
My Redeemer
Our Mediator

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God.  John 1:1

All things were made by Him; and without Him was not any thing made that was made.  John 1:3

And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.  John 1:14


Jesus human genealogy

Matthew 1:1-7 (forwards)

Luke 3:23-38 (backwards)

Born of a human virgin mother - Mt 1:18; Lu 2:1-7

God sent His son - Galatians 4:4; Romans 8:23

For God so loved the world - John 3:16

He had the appearance of a man - Philippians 2:7, 8


He had common human experiences1

            -Sorrow & distress Mt 26:37; Mark 14:33

          -Natural Growth Pattern Lu 2:40

          -Tired and tool sleep Lu 8:23

          -Poverty Lu 9:58

          -A physical body Lu 24:39

          -Weariness Jn 4:6

          -Ate Mt 26:17, 18, 22, 26; Mk 14:14, 18, 22; Lu 22:7, 15


Jesus divinity His own words 1 - Lu 22:69, 70; Jn 10:30, 37, 38; Jn 12:45; Jn114:7-10; Jn 16:15

Testimony of Apostles1 - Mt 16:16; Lu 9:20; Jn 1:1, 2, 32-34; Romans1:4;9:5; Colossians 2:9; 1 Timothy 3:16; Hebrews1:3; 2Peter 1:16-18


The Heavenly Father bear witness1 -           Mt 3:17; 17:5; Mk 1:11; 9:7; Lu 3:22; 9:35;   Jn8:18; 2 Pe 1:17; 1 Jn 5:9 

Marks of Divinity1

          His Pre-existence - Micah 5:2; 2 Jn 1:1; 8:58; 17:5; Col 1:17; Revelation 1:8; 22:13; 1 Pe 1:20; Ph 2:5, 6


          His Authority - Mt 7:29; 28:18; Mk 1:27; Jn 5:27


          His Foreknowledge - Jn 6:64; 13:1; 18:4; 19:28


          Predicts His Own Suffering - Mk 8:31; Lu 9:22; 12:50; 22:37; Jn 3:14


          Foretells His Departure - Jn 7:33; 13:33; 14:28; 16:5, 10, 16, 28; 17:11


          His Lordship - Lu 6:5; Acts 2:36; 1 Corinthians 1:9; 8:6; 12:3; Ephesians 4:5


          His Pre-eminence - Jn 3:31; 13:13; Romans 14:9; Col 1:18; He 1:4; Re 1:11


His Dominion1

          Eternal - Isaiah 9:6, 7

          Universal  -Zechariah 9:10; Psalm 72:8

          Over Nature - Mt 8:27; Mk 1:27; Jn 3:35

          Over the church - Ep 1:22

          Over Heavenly Powers - 1 Pe 3:22


His Exaltaion1- Mk 16:19; Lu 22:69; Ac 2:36; 5:31; Ep 1:20; Ph 2:9; He 1:9; 1 Pe 3:22; Re 5:12


The Word became flesh & dwelt among us - Jn 1:14; Ac 2:30; Ro 1:3


Mystery of Godliness - 1 Timothy 3:16


I Am2

          I Am the bread of life - Jn 6:35, 41, 48, 51

          I Am the light of the world - Jn 8:12

          I Am the door of the sheep - Jn 10:7, 9

          I Am the good shepherd - Jn  10:11, 14

          I Am the resurrection - Jn 11:25

          I Am the way, the truth, and the life-Jn 14:6

          I Am the true vine - Jn 15:1, 5


Miracles of Christ2

Mark dedicates more of his accounts to Jesus miracles than any other writer.

 1:23-28 = Casting out an unclean spirit

 1:29-43 = Healing Peters mother-in-law

 1:40-45 = Cleansing a lepor

 2:1-12 = Healing a paralyzed man

 3:1-6 = Healing a man with a withered hand

 4:35-41 = Calming a storm

 5:25-34 = Raising Jairus daughter

 6:24-34 = Healing a woman with hemorrhage

 6:30-44 = Feeding 5,000

 6:45-52 = Walking on the water

 7:24-30 = Casting out a demon

 7:31-37 = Healing a deaf mute

 8:1-10 = Feeding 4,000

 8:22-26 = Healing a blind man

 9:14-29 = Casting out a dumb spirit

10:46-52 = Healing blind Bartinaeus

11:12-14, 20-24 = Withered Fig tree


Jesus knew who He was at age -12  Lu 2:49

Before Abraham was I AM - Jn 8:58

Angels knew who Jesus was - Lu 1:31


You search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal loife; and these are they which testify of Me.  Jn 5:39


Demons knew and still know who He is - Mt 8:28-34; Lu 4:32-34, 41; Mk 3:11


The evil spirit answered - Ac 19:15


1The Thompson Chain-Reference Bible, #s 677-723

2The Nelson Study Bible I Am, page 1785

                                     - Miracles, page 1650